Join us for amazing events and opportunities to deepen your practice. Yoga for Charity, Workshops, Special Series, Free Community Classes and more.
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Past Events

Women’s Pelvic Floor Health: Pelvic Floor Balancing
Marla L Sukoff, MD, RYT. Through my years of teaching, I have come to realize that most women have very little awareness of this important

Ayurveda 101
Workshop Learn about Ayurvedic philosophy and how to think about it in the modern context, daily routines, basic practices, preventative care, nutrition, at-home remedies for

Yoga for Charity – Bedford Playhouse
The Bedford Playhouse has been selected for our next Yoga for Charity fundraiser classes. Present Wisdom is hosting two community yoga classes on Thursday March 31st

Women’s Pelvic Floor Health: Pelvic Floor Prolapse Series
Marla L Sukoff, MD, RYT. Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), or Pelvic Relaxation Syndrome, is a huge issue for many women, of all ages, but more

Yoga for Chronic Pain
Workshop Learn to find the thread to connect breath and movement for management of pain. Yoga is defined as to join or unite. When facing pain

Getting to the Core of It – Yoga core for beginners
Series Learn how to use your core muscles to stabilize your entire body and yoga practice. Thursdays 11-11:30am EST March 3, 10 ,17, 24. Reset and energize