
Chair Yoga for Everyone

As a yoga teacher I am privileged to instruct friends and family from time to time. However, when it came to teaching my parents it was a different story. With assistance they were able to make it to the yoga mat, but it just was not comfortable. That motivated me to find something better for

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Everyday Miracles

Heritage and Culture My family came to the U.S. in 1974. When we left India, we left a culture steeped in family, traditions and community. In New York City, when we first arrived, my parents sought outSindhi people like us, and started temple meetings in families’ homes every Sunday as a way to stay connected to their culture.

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I like to read all kinds of books not just ones with a spiritual message.  Reading can be a great escape into another world.  Recently I read “The Perfume Collector” by Kathleen Tessaro and it was a wonderful read.  Fast paced and easy great for summer time reading, but even in this type of literature

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I have read many books over the last few months and just haven’t had a chance to sit down and write about them.  I finally decided that today I would start. A few months back I read “Quiet, Introverts in a world that can’t stop talking” by Susan Cain.  I found this to be a

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